First, a story…
One day in a small town, the weather forecast predicted heavy rains and floods. Authorities urged people in the area to evacuate. Emergency crews went door to door making sure that everyone knew to get out of town.
The crews came upon a farmhouse and encountered an old man who refused to evacuate. He had faith that God would save him. No amount of argument could convince him otherwise, so the crews left. The next day, the rains came. Soon the floodwaters were up to the first floor of the old man’s home. He climbed to the second story and looked out the window to find a rescue boat coming to save him. Once again, he refused to leave and reiterated his faith that God would save him.
By the next morning, the water was up past the second floor, and the old man was sitting on his roof. A helicopter came along and lowered a rope ladder for him to grab. Still, he rejected the offer of help, for he knew that God would save him.
Later that afternoon, the old man drowned.
When he entered through the gates of heaven, he asked to speak with God. He asked God why he didn’t save him, a man with faith as strong as his. God replied kindly, “My child – I sent an emergency crew, a boat, and a helicopter. What more did you want?”
I love that story. I first heard it as part of a homily years ago; when I thought I was Catholic. It stuck with me all these years, and often serves as a reminder to stay aware of the opportunities and messages the universe sends my way.
Today the universe sent me a boat and a helicopter.
I was reading an old magazine while waiting to get blood drawn this morning. I came across an article about how to be a smart patient. The article strongly urged anyone facing a major procedure to seek a second opinion. An inner voice started whispering. I like my surgeon, but he does want to remove my entire rectum. That’s a pretty major procedure in my book.
Then, a different inner voice spoke up (yes I have more than one inner voice; doesn’t everyone?) This voice reasoned that surgery was already scheduled and seeking a second opinion was akin to a lack of faith in my current surgeon. The second voice stifled the first, and quashed my thoughts of a second opinion.
I came home and hopped onto the computer. My home page greeted me with a headline about US News and World Reports rankings of America’s best hospitals. Number one for the 22nd straight year is Johns Hopkins University Hospital (JHU). I live fifteen minutes from this award winning hospital, but my current surgeon works with Baltimore / Washington Medical Center (BWMC). I decided to see where my hospital fell in the rankings. I learned that BWMC is not nationally ranked, and it’s number 13 of 31 hospitals in the Baltimore metro area. I also discovered a below average rating for patient safety.
Suddenly, my initial inner voice jumped up and dropped kicked the other from my head.
I called my insurance company and inquired about coverage for a second opinion and accessibility to JHU. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that second opinions are covered and JHU is affiliated with my insurance provider.
Contacting JHU made me feel like I was cheating on my current surgeon. Then I called my surgeon’s office and asked them to fax my records to JHU. I expected a negative reaction to my “infidelity”, but the staff was very kind. They understood something I had yet to grasp. This isn’t personal to them. Seeking another opinion doesn’t hurt their feelings. I’m just another patient trying to find the best possible care. It would be foolish to turn away from a chance to be treated at the best hospital in the country.
JHU will call me back next week for a consultation. Unlike the old man in the flood, I have every intention of accepting any opportunity that increases my chances for recovery. Boat, helicopter, whatever it is…I’m climbing in.